Tag Archives: hate

text | war


Have you ever had those text message conversations that lasted the entire day? You know, the ones where you exchange only 4 messages because you each wait 2 hours before you respond. You are obviously too busy to bother. But the truth is that you do care or else you wouldn’t be waiting to respond. I actually know nothing about doing this because I am fucking cool.

My friend tells me theres another kind of text message war. The kind where you initially wait an hour to respond but then the other person responds quicker and before you know it you’ve sent 3 texts within 5 minutes. And then nothing. I pity the fool who falls into this trap. Not me, though. I’m cool.

And how about those days when you says to yourself – I’m not falling into any traps today. And you pep talk yourself and you bang on your chest like a confident cave(wo)man that you are and then…you fall for the trap.

It happens. Sometimes repeatedly. But not to me. Because I am fucking cool.


Filed under douche | baggery